
1. The Terms and Conditions determine principles for providing services and using space named +1 for originators and entrepreneurs, carried out by: the City of Poznan, Plac Kolegiacki 17, 61-841 Poznan, NIP: 2090001440, REGON: 631257822 and Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji Sp. z o.o., ul. 28 June 1956. no. 400, 61-441 Poznan, NIP: 7781016062, REGON: 630303454

2. Whenever in the Terms and Conditions a reference is made to:

  • Facility – a space named +1 for originators and entrepreneurs;
  • User – a natural, legal person, organizational entity not having legal personality conducting as well as not conducting business activities, using services provided by the Operator and partners under functioning of the facility;
  • Operator – the City of Poznan and Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji;
  • Partner – a natural, legal person, organizational unit not having the legal personality, conducting as well as not conducting business activities, involved in provision of services for users;
  • Service – substantive operation undertaken by the Operator and partners, as well as workplaces rent service provided by the Operator;
  • A work place – co-working place;
  • Conference halls – conference halls available within the facility;
  • An event – events organized by the Operator and by partners;
  • A website – is to be understood as the +1 website.

2. Using the facility

1. The operator provides access to the facility within the hours and days indicated on the website.

2. The operator reserves the right to limit accessibility of the co-working space of the facility and conference halls in case of organizing training, conferences or other occasional events. Information about possible restrictions shall be stated in advance before the intended date of limited accessibility.

3. The Operator provides access to the facility in the form of the co-working space:

  • Co-working space: a) using this part of the facility is free of charge, b) registration shall not guarantee possibility to use, which depends on availability of places, c) it is forbidden to register business activities during use of this part of the facility.
  • Conference halls: a) depending on the nature of cooperation, usage on the grounds of a separate lease contract, partnership contract, sponsorship contract or an individual agreement, b) using conference halls is subjected to reservation, c) handling of conference halls reservations is conducted on the basis of booking system kept by the operator – Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji.

4. All users have a possibility to use car and bicycle parking space in the building where the facility is located. Payment for the parking space is made in accordance with a tariff of the parking space administrator, unless separate agreements provide otherwise.

5. All users have a possibility of free use of library collection within the area of the facility. The User borrowing books shall bear full material liability for the borrowed books and undertakes to return them in an unchanged condition.

3. Use of the Internet

1. The operator, Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji provides unlimited, wireless access to the internet network for every user within the facility.

2. The User uses the internet on its own portable device.

3. It is forbidden to:

  • use the internet connection to download and/or share materials nonconforming to the law and in a way inconsistent with the law or overloading the connection by downloading large files for the entertainment purposes (e.g. videos),
  • use websites and applications containing pornographic, vulgar, racist content, offensive against feelings of others or good morals.

4. Failure to comply with the above prohibition may result in an immediate removal from the group of users.

5. The Operator shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from non-functioning or incorrect operation of internet connection.

6. The Operator shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the internet connection inconsistent with the intended use.

4. The disabled

1. The Operator provides access to the facility for the disabled, including, among others:

  • parking places for the disabled available in the building where the facility is located,
  • a toilet suitable for the needs of the disabled available in the facility,
  • the building in which the facility is located equipped with lifts.

2. Upon request, the Operator can provide assistance and help during the movement of a disabled person within the facility.

3. In the event of particular needs resulting from the type and degree of disability prior notification of the facility staff is recommended, to ensure the best possible support and assistance.

5. Promotion and PR

1. Under the services provided, the Operator conducts activities promoting the facility and its users.

2. The User shall grant the Operator consent to record its image during using the services of the facility on photo and video materials for promotional purposes for an indefinite period of time, without constraints and remuneration.

3. The User who invites the representatives of the media shall be obliged to notify its intention to the Operator beforehand. In the event of failure to comply with this condition the Operator reserves the right to prevent access of the invited media representatives.

4. The User shall be obliged to protect the good reputation of the facility and other users.

6. Cooperation with external entities

1. The scope and terms of cooperation, in particular the financial and organizational issues shall be each time subject to individual arrangements and are defined in separate contracts.

2. In order to ensure the best operation conditions of the facility and the services provided, the Operator undertakes to cooperate with sponsors. Scope of benefits and a form of cooperation shall be regulated by separate sponsorship contracts.

3. The Operator, Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji, provides commercial services of renting space for external customers on the basis of separate lease contracts.

4. Partners, sponsors and external customers shall be obliged to consult with the operator the course, nature, promotion of the organized events and services.

7. Order regulations and security

1. Acceptance and compliance with provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall be the condition for using the facility by the user. The User also undertakes to observe principles of social coexistence and the principles of using the space of the building in which the facility is located.

2. Failure to comply with the principles of the Terms and Conditions and generally adopted principles of social coexistence shall result in cancellation of registration of the user as well as will prevent use of the facility in the future.

3. Operations of the facility are based on a system of controlled access – access control takes place at the reception desk and upon every request of the facility staff.

4. The Operator shall be obliged to introduce a new user and familiarize it with the principles and functioning of the facility.

5. The Operator shall not be liable for any damage resulting from non-observance of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and the generally binding principles of social coexistence.

6. The User shall be obliged to:

  • have and wear an identifier in a visible place while using the facility,
  • respect persons and property, and in the case of any damage caused by the user, to repair them at its own cost, in the time limit indicated by the operator,
  • behave calmly and maintain silence including, among others, to use phone in a manner not disturbing other users,
  • keep confidential data of other users and their operations and to refrain from voicing opinions and comments which in any manner would negatively affect their activities,
  • clean the workplace, shared space and conference halls, to the extent exceeding the standard cleaning services provided by the operator,
  • care for own safety as well as the safety of other users in particular to inform the facility staff of observing persons suspected for an unauthorised access to the facility,
  • immediately notify the facility staff in the case of occurrence of any events that may adversely affect proper functioning of the facility,
  • taking care of personal belongings – the Operator shall not be responsible for their loss.

7. The User is not allowed to:

  • relinquish to or share with any third parties any access passwords, keys and identifiers provided by the operator and to use an identifier which does not belong to that user,
  • bring and consume alcohol and other drugs, and to smoke tobacco within the area of the Facility,
  • use devices causing excessive noise,
  • listen to music or other audio materials without earphones,
  • consume warm meals outside the kitchen and other designated places.

8. The Operator allows occasional entry of dogs into the area of the Facility. In the case of willingness to enter with a dog it is necessary to obtain prior permission of the facility staff and make sure that the animal does not bother other users. The dog must have up-to-date vaccinations and be on a lead and wear a muzzle. In the case of any damage or soiling the owner shall be obliged to repair and remove them. The Operator shall not be held responsible for damage caused by animals concerning other users and reserves the right to remove the owner with a dog without specifying the reason.

9. The Operator shall not be responsible for impossibility to perform any services in the event of circumstances which are extraordinary or independent from it.

10. Responsibility of a Partner:

  • provide peace and order during organized events,
  • stop an event upon request of the Operator, if its organizers or participants violate rules specified in these Terms and Conditions,
  • after a completed event restore the area of the facility to the condition from before the event,
  • provide the Operator with a short summary of the event in writing and photographs both with a consent to their publication and with the consent to publication of image of persons captured.

Final provisions

1. The User confirms having read the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to observe it. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions, in particular statement of untrue personal data, violation of legal regulations or good morals in connection with using the services of the Operator may result in exclusion from the group of users, cessation of provision of services for its benefit and preventing access to the facility also in the future.

2. In justified cases, the Operator reserves the right to change the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. The Operator shall notify about any change of the provisions on the website with a minimum 14-day advance period.

3. The Terms and Conditions are available on the website and, for review, at the reception desk of the facility.

4. The Terms and Conditions shall take effect on 8.12.2016 and continue to be in force until revoked.

  • Users have 24 work spaces with WiFi access at their disposal. Anyone can use them free of charge. Importantly, space reservation is not possible – the “fist come, first served” principle applies here.
  • There is also a relaxation area furnished with couches and a library whose collections are available on-site.
  • We also offer a modern conference room – all our events are to be held there. All those interested in renting the conference room should contact: hanna.kalaczynska@wcwi.com.pl, tel. +48 530 010 817